Sharing the heart and soul of what it means to be a Ranger
Ranger Legacy Center: A Home For All Rangers
Bring Us Home
Purchase 24+ acres of land for a facility, accomodation and future expansion
Build an 18,000 + square foot facility to accommodate up to a 400 person banquet style gathering
Offer a one-of-a-kind experience for local community members and schools to enhance educational opportunities
Create space to hold and honor all Ranger Hall of Fame members past, present and future
Curate Ranger history and legacy items
Construct space for overnight accommodations and community gathering spots
Offer a Ranger themed commerce location
Host technologically advanced entertainment spaces
Collaborate with other Ranger serving organizations
Provide space and resources to enhance the surrounding community
Offer space where community leadership can convene to think about the community and how to deliver solutions
For inspiration purposes. This is a rendering used as a part of visioning exercises. We will iterate throughout the year as we hear from the community and hire subject matter experts.